Atomic Form Factors Tables

The Atomic Form Factors (AFF) have been provided by the different authors and are tabulated. Figure 1 displays the tabulation due to Weickenmeier-Kohl. When a particular element is selected the Atomic Scattering Amplitude is plotted from 0 to 20 nm-1 (Fig. 2).


Figure 1 Tabulation of the Atomic Form Factors.

Figure 2 shows a plot of the Atomic Scattering Amplitude of Co from Weickenmeier-Kohl, Acta Cryst. A54 (1998) 283-289. Their tabulation is very accurate at high scattering angles and the atomic absorption calculated contains also the phonon and core losses contribution to absorption (Einstein approximation).


Figure 2 Co scattering amplitude plotted as a function of scattering angle [nm-1].