The calculator performs crystallographic calculations (Fig. 1). When entering either [u,v,w] or (h,k,l), the indices must be separated by commas. [] or () are automatically added. Figures 2 and 3 show results for [uvw] and (hkl) indices.
The calculator performs crystallographic calculations (Fig. 1). When entering either [u,v,w] or (h,k,l), the indices must be separated by commas. [] or () are automatically added. Figures 2 and 3 show results for [uvw] and (hkl) indices.
With a pair of [uvw] indices a new orthogonal unit cell of c-axis // to [uvw]1 is created (Fig. 4) and with a pair of (hkl) indices the SAED pattern containing these 2 reflections is displayed (Fig. 5). Note that the new orthogonal unit cell can be very large and that in some cases not all atoms of the unit cell are provided.