
The calculator performs crystallographic calculations (Fig. 1). When entering either [u,v,w] or (h,k,l), the indices must be separated by commas. [] or () are automatically added. Figures 2 and 3 show results for [uvw] and (hkl) indices.


Figure 1 Crystallographic calculator.


Figure 2 [uvw]1, [uvw]2 calculation.


Figure 3 (hkl)1, (hkl)2 calculation.

With a pair of [uvw] indices a new orthogonal unit cell of c-axis // to [uvw]1 is created (Fig. 4) and with a pair of (hkl) indices the SAED pattern containing these 2 reflections is displayed (Fig. 5). Note that the new orthogonal unit cell can be very large and that in some cases not all atoms of the unit cell are provided.


Figure 4 Unit cell of c-axis // to [uvw]1.


Figure 5 SAED pattern [uvw] zone axis indices = (hkl)1 ⨯ (hkl)2.

Both figures can be modified with their attached popup menu (Figures 6a and 6b). This feature is available for all jems drawings, tables, panes and most sliders.

Figure6a Figure6b

Figure 6a Popup menu attached to 3-D view.

Figure 6a Popup menu attached to SAED plot.