HOLZ Indexing

Figure 1 shows the HOLZ lines matching and indexing. The drawings of the lines make use of the kinematical theory of electron diffraction (with accelerating voltage correction). The controls of the right pane are distributed on seven different panes.


Figure 1 HOLZ pattern matching and indexing.

The tools in the toolbar are designed to:

The arrows and reset tools are used to move the Laue Circle Center or to align the experimental and calculated patterns. The keyboard arrows do the same, with the translation speed selected by any combination of the Alt, Ctrl and Shift keys.


The controls in the right panel are distributed on seven different panes.

Figure2 Figure3

Figure 3 [uvw] indices of zone axis and foil normale.

Figure 2 Rotation of the plotted HOLZ pattern.

Figure4 Figure5

Figure 4 Diffraction settings.

Figure 5 Lattice parameters.

Figure6a Figure6b

Figure 6a Number of Laue zones.

Figure 6b HOLZ lines intensity boost.

Figure7a Figure7b

Figure 7a Plot options.

Figure 7b Spot, Kikuchi and HOLZ thresholds.

HOLZ matching example
Figure8a Figure8b

Figure 8a CBED ZnTe [0,4,1].

Figure 8b CBED ZnTe [0,4,1] contrast enhanced.


Figure 9 HOLZ matching.