This window displays either (hkl), overlayed (hkl) and [uvw], [uvw] stereograms or a Wulff diagram (overlayed or not on stereograms).
This window displays either (hkl), overlayed (hkl) and [uvw], [uvw] stereograms or a Wulff diagram (overlayed or not on stereograms).
Figure 1 shows a stereographic plot of GaN. The direction of the projection is [0,0,1].
The toolbar contains tools to:
In order to increase (decrease) the number of [u,v,w] directions, double click to display the popup menu.
Figure 2 shows a (hkl) stereogram. It is interesting to realize that [uvw] directions are not always parallel to (hkl) normals. This fact is highlighted when [uvw] and (hkl) stereograms are overlayed as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 A typical combined [uvw] and (hkl) stereogram of a GaN.
Note the use of Weber notation [uvtw].
The Weber notation (or Miller - Bravais notation) of hexagonal or trigonal (hexagonal setting) is used for hexagonal or trigonal crystals.
Wulff diagrams can be plotted (Fig. 4) or overlayed and rotated on the (hkl) or [uvw] stereograms (Figures 5, 6).
The Wulff diagram can be rotated by dragging the red dot.
The popup menus attached to the stereogram allow to display more or less directions or reflections. They also allow to display the [uvw] or (hkl) indices and to transfer the drawing to the clipboard.
The popup menu attached to the Wulff diagram allows to change the angular step of the diagram circles (5 degrees on Fig. 6, 2 degrees on Fig. 5).
The tool button allows to overlay
stereograms of 2 different crystals with a orientation relationship to define (Fig. 7).