Transfer function

The toolbar contains tool buttons to:

The controls of the Transfer Function are distributed on panes to:

The effect of wavefront Aberrations up to order 8 (order selected by the Preferences) can be introduced in these figures (Fig. 9). The range of the plots and images is also defined in the Preferences. A popup menu is attached to these figures (Fig. 10) and allows to change the color lookup table, to print or save the plot, to do rotation averaging, etc.


Figure 1 2-D plot of the wavefront (phase jumps modulo 2π).


Figure 2 CTF and its attenuation envelopes with the crystal reflections (powder lines) of Si in [001] orientation.

To increase (decrease) defocus move the mouse on the CTF plot or image (Fig. 3) and use Alt-Ctrl-Shift + (). The thickness of the amorphous thin film (random phase approximation) is also increased (decreased) using the mouse and Alt-Ctrl-Shift + ().


Figure 3 CTF 2-D the circle are labelled using the popup menu attached to the drawing.



Figure 4 Amorphous thin film (carbon and random phase approximation).

The diffractogram pane shows either an image (Fig. 4) or diffractogram (5) of an amorphous thin film of Carbon, silicon, ...(simulated using the random phase approximation).



Figure 5 Diffractogram of amorphous thin film (carbon and random phase approximation).

Zemlin tilt tableaux can be generated with or without beam tilt, Aberrations, etc (Fig. 11) as well as a wobble effect (Fig 12. 12).



Figure 6 Optical Transfer Function.


Figure 7 Probe shape (the plot is done with different resolution and only the probe around its center is shown).


Figure 8 Plot of a ronchigram (Cc = 0 [mm], source size = 0 [pm], thermal magnetic noise = 0 [pm] and objective aperture = 250 [mrad]).

Figure9a Figure9b Figure9c

Figure 9a W22
(C12, A1) 10 nm.

Figure 9b W31
(C21, 3B2) 200 nm.

Figure 9c W33
(C23. A2) 200 nm.

Figure10a Figure10b Figure10c

Figure 10a W42
(C32, 4S3) 50 μm.

Figure 10b W44
(C34, A3) 50 μm.

Figure 10c W51
(C41, 5B4) 200 μm.


Zemlin tilt tableaux can be generated with or without beam tilt, Aberrations, etc (Fig. 11).

Figure11a Figure11b

Figure 11a Zemlin tilt tableau
(C23, A2) 0 nm.

Figure 11b Zemlin tilt tableau
(C23, A2) 500 nm.


CTF without W33 (C23, A2) and with W33 (C23, A2) aberration (Fig. 12a, 12b).

Figure12a Figure12b

Figure 12a CTF
(C23, A2) 0 nm.

Figure 12b CTF
(C23, A2) 500 nm.