X-Ray Powder Lines

The powder lines diagrams are calculated for electron diffraction, X-Ray diffraction, neutrons powder lines (Fig. 1). The lines' intensity is always calculated within the kinematical approximation (by default no Blackman correction for dynamical effect, see M. Blackman, Proc. Roy. Soc. A173 (1939) 68). The intensity of the lines of electron powder patterns are given by Vainshtein (see K. Vainshtein, Structure Analysis by Electron Diffraction, Pergamon Press, 1964).

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Figure 1 ZnTe X-Ray powder lines.

X-Ray powder lines are calculated for both Debye-Scherrer and Guinier-de Wolff cameras (Fig. 2). The X-Ray wavelength is selectable from 10 different cathodes, but the X-Ray dispersion (or anomalous absoprtion) is included only for the Kα1 characteristic emission lines and neutral atoms. The Lorentz and polarization factors are included.


Figure 2 X-Ray cameras.

The table is saved as a Mathematica notebook (Fig. 3). The plot label contains the crystal name and the wavelength of the incident radiation. It should be remarked that at the limit of very hard X-Rays, the X-Ray powder patterns are very similar to electron diffraction powder patterns (Figures 4a, 4b).


Figure 3 Mathematica plot.

Figure4a Figure4b

Figure 4a X-Ray powder pattern (source ZnTe ).

Figure 4b Electron powder pattern.


Figure 5 ZnTe Electron powder pattern (300kV).