Zone axis geometry

This window displays one or several tables of zone axes geometry in order to index SAED patterns. The geometry of the SAED pattern is provided by the ratio of the 2 shortest origin to spot distances (reflections) and their angle (Fig. 1).

The toolbar contains tool buttons to:

The geometry of the SAED pattern is provided by the ratio of the 2 shortest origin to spot distances (reflections) and their angle (Fig. 1).


Figure 1 Zone axes tables.


Figure 2 Form to enter the ratio and angle of 2 reflections.


Figure 3 Possible zone axes matching the given ratio and angle (red).


Figure 4 Zone axis of geometry matching the ratio/angle.

Indexing can be proposed in several tables (ratio 1, angle 60 deg.). Mouse click on the red lines of the tables to display SAED patterns of the possible indexing solutions (ZnTe, Figures 5a, 5b), (AlGaAs, Figures 6a, 6b), (CaMgSiO4, Figures 7a, 7b).

Figure5a Figure5b

Figure 5a ZnTe zone axis table.

Figure 5b SAED pattern.

Figure6a Figure6b

Figure 6a AlGaAs zone axis table.

Figure 6b SAED pattern.

Figure7a Figure7b

Figure 7a CaMgSiO4 zone axis table.

Figure 7b SAED pattern.

The popup menu (mouse double click) attached to the SAED drawing allows to add Kikuchi or HOlZ lines as well as (hkl) indices (Fig. 8a). The SAED drawing parameters (camera length, deviation, etc) can also be adjusted.

Figure8a Figure8b

Figure 8a Popup menu.

Figure 8b SAED pattern with Kikuchi lines and larger camera length.